Canadian Association
of Dental Consultants
Working for everyone’s benefit
The focus of CADC is to ensure that dental benefit plans provide the benefits to plan members that is intended by the contract. Our dental consultants interpret contracts in light of current standards and are held to the highest standards by:
- Promoting best practices
- Using ethical decision-making
- Advancing their knowledge base
- Applying this for consistent, evidence-based dental plan and claims adjudication (contract interpretation).
We know the workings of this profession. And as dental consultants we add value to your operation whether you are a dental plan administrator or the employer paying for dental benefits. We identify waste, fraud and advise on practice trends.
So, if you are a dental plan administrator, dental plan sponsor or dentist, we invite you to check back with us to see what’s new. And if you’re in a hurry, contact us and tell us what you need.